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McHenry County CoC Full Board

The CoC’s Full Board serves as the CoC’s decision-making body and consists of all the member organizations and community members of the CoC. Taking a participatory approach, any organization or community member that desires to be represented on the CoC Full Board to help end homelessness is allowed to join and have one vote on the Full Board.

  • Homeless or formerly homeless individuals and families

  • Housing Developers and Landlord Organizations


  • Neighborhood Groups


  • Non-profit organizations


  • Healthcare Providers 


  • Representatives of Business and Financial Institutions


  • Representatives of Organized Labor


  • Representatives of Private Foundations and Funding Organizations


  • Social Service Providers


  • State and Local Government Agencies


  • Faith-Based Organizations


  • Volunteer Individuals


  • Concerned Citizens

Membership is open to all, but the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development provides guidance that membership on the CoC should generally include the following stakeholders in serving homeless subpopulations:


The CoC has an “Annual Meeting” every September where the CoC membership votes to elect Officers. Officers can be elected for a term of two years at a time. Officers are limited to election to two terms consecutively in the same position; a minimum one-term hiatus is required before an Officer may be elected again to the same position.

The Officer positions, as well as their corresponding responsibilities, are listed below:

  • President  The President shall be the principal officer of the McHenry County CoC and shall preside at all meetings of the McHenry County CoC Board and Steering Council. The President shall serve as an ex officio participant of all committees. The President shall supervise all of the business and affairs of the McHenry County CoC. The President or designee may sign documents, as authorized by the McHenry County CoC Board, for the proper and necessary transaction of business. The President shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the McHenry County CoC Board. The President may delegate duties to a designee.

  • Vice President  The Vice President shall act in the absence or inability of the President, and when so acting, the Vice President shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions of the President. The Vice President shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President.​

  • Secretary The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the McHenry County CoC Board meetings and shall see that all notices are given in accordance with the Governance Documents and the Illinois Open Meetings Act. The Secretary shall maintain the attendance at McHenry County CoC Board meetings. The Secretary shall keep or cause to be kept all documents relating to the business of the McHenry County CoC, except those of the Treasurer. The Secretary shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President.

  • Treasurer  The Treasurer shall be the principal financial officer of the McHenry County CoC and shall preside as Chair of the Finance Committee. The Treasurer shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President.

Steering Council

The Steering Council of the CoC serves to effectively “steer” the agenda and priorities of the CoC, and consists of the CoC Elected Officers, CoC Committee Chairs, as well as other key staff. It is the Steering Council that decides what is on the CoC Full Board meeting agendas and provides direction regarding new ideas or strategies for the CoC prior to passing them on to the CoC Full Board.

The composition of the CoC Steering Council is listed below:

  • President

  • Vice President

  • Secretary

  • Treasurer

  • Collaborative Applicant Committee Chair

  • Community Awareness Committee Chair

  • Coordinated Entry Committee

  • Finance Committee Chair

  • HMIS Committee Chair

  • Housing and Services Committee Chair

  • Membership and Nominating Committee Chair

  • Continuum of Care Lead

  • Collaborative Applicant Lead

  • Coordinated Entry Lead

  • HMIS Lead

  • Member at Large

  • Member at Large

  • Member at Large



The CoC Standing Committees are listed below:

  • Collaborative Applicant Committee Chair

  • Community Awareness Committee Chair

  • Coordinated Entry Committee Chair

  • Finance Committee Chair

  • HMIS Committee Chair

  • Housing and Services Committee Chair

  • Membership and Nominating Committee Chair


CoC Committees

The CoC also has Five (5) Standing Committees which are comprised of individuals from the broader CoC membership. The Standing Committees make recommendations to the CoC, based on each of their areas of responsibility. Each Standing Committee has its own Committee Charter that outlines its roles/responsibilities to the CoC.

Each Committee is chaired by an individual CoC member that is nominated by the CoC Membership & Nominating Committee and approved by the CoC Full Board. It is each Chairperson’s responsibility to assure that their Committee fulfills their Committee Charter. Like CoC Officers, CoC Standing Committee Chairs can be elected for a term of two years at a time, and are limited to election to two terms consecutively in the same position.

Click below to access

the Complied CoC 

Committee Charters:

Key Staff & Personnel

Though the CoC does not have hired staff, the grants that the CoC receives annually through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) allow the CoC to designate funds to selected organizations in the community in order to carry out functions on behalf of the CoC.

The McHenry County CoC’s key personnel consist of the following roles, as established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development:

Planning Lead

Develops and coordinates the local Continuum of Care system, evaluates the outcomes of grant projects, and participates in the HUD Consolidated Planning process for the CoC’s geographic area(s). The McHenry County Government (Department of Planning and Development) is the Planning Lead for the McHenry County CoC.


Collaborative Applicant / Unified Funding Agency (UFA)

The Collaborative Applicant submits a compiled grant application on behalf of CoC homeless providers for grant opportunities, which allows the County to receive annual HUD grant funds for local homeless needs. The UFA is a special designation by HUD that only applies to the annual CoC grant competition through HUD, and which allows the Collaborative Applicant to not only apply for grant funds on behalf of the CoC, but to receive them directly. The UFA then re-distributes the grant funds to local CoC homeless providers in the form of sub-grants. The McHenry County Government (Department of Planning and Development) is the Collaborative Applicant and UFA for the McHenry County CoC.


Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Lead

Manages and coordinates a local data system that tracks progress on homeless needs and services in McHenry County for HUD-funded grant activities. The McHenry County Government (Department of Planning and Development) is the HMIS Lead for the McHenry County CoC.


Coordinated Entry (CE) Lead

Develops and manages a centralized and streamlined system for accessing housing and support services to end homelessness in McHenry County. Coordinated entry processes help communities prioritize homeless assistance based on vulnerability and severity of service needs to ensure that people who need assistance the most can receive it in a timely manner. Pioneer Center for Human Services is the Coordinated Entry Lead for the McHenry County CoC.

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